IVF Update #4: Good News & Bad News
Hello friends and family, Today's update is a little disappointing for us to share. The good news is that Jess has responded to the medications and we are ready for Phase 3 - the trigger shot and egg retrieval. We take the trigger shot tonight at exactly 8:15 PM and Jess's surgery for egg retrieval will be on Friday at exactly 8:15 AM. Her follicle count is still looking quite high so we are hoping this means that they will get a decent number of good eggs. The nurses and techs all seem to be very positive that we will and have repeatedly told her how fertile her insides look. (Thank you, we think?) The bad news is that Jess has responded so much to the medications that she is at a high risk for overstimulation. This means that there is a good chance that once the surgery is over her ovaries will stay enlarged and a substantial amount of fluid can build up in her abdomen. In some cases, hospitalization can be ...