IVF Update #2: So It Begins...

Hello friends and family,

Our first round of IVF has officially begun. 

It has been a bit of a stressful start.  The doctor's office made some mistakes with our records and the pharmacy failed to ship the medications when scheduled. There was a lot of back and forth over whether we'd actually be able to begin treatment or not which you can imagine resulted in lots of emotions the past few days.

Things seem to have been sorted out now though, and we survived our first injections last night.  Doad made out a little better than Jess did ;)

We are now in "stimulation" phase.  We will have several days of injections and doctor's visits to monitor progress.  Hopefully, in a couple of weeks, we will be ready for the next phase: egg retrieval. 
Prayer Requests:
1. Please pray that this phase goes well.  It involves two injections each evening so the better it goes and the better Jess responds to the medication, the sooner we can move on to the next phase and reduce the number of injections required.

2.  On a similar note, please pray for Jess to respond well to the meds both physically and emotionally.  Pray that the egg growth is stimulated the right amount - too much or too little can delay further treatment.  And please pray that the hormones wouldn't make her too... well, hormonal. 

3. Lastly, please pray that the both of us would continue to draw closer to God and to each other throughout this ordeal.  Pray for patience and grace in our marriage as we both process these experiences very differently.  Please pray that we would be able to glorify God and not be easily baited by the devil's attempts at causing division and conflict.
We have our first follow-up at the end of this week.  We will keep the updates coming.  Thank you all as always for praying for us. 

Love to you all,
Doad and Jess
