IVF Update #14: The Waiting Game

Hello friends and family,

We know you've all been waiting so patiently and eagerly with us as we await the results of our blood test!  So far it is good news! 

For our first blood test, the doctor told us that they are happy with any number over 150... Jess's number was 2008!  Well over what we even dared to pray for.

This means that the embryo did indeed implant and now we are praying that it is in the correct spot and growing!!

Unfortunately, that part won't be confirmed until next week, so the waiting continues just a little longer until we feel like we can really believe this is happening.  However, we are so encouraged that everything seems to be going in the right direction so far. 

The wait until next week seems agonizingly long, but we are hopeful and trying to be as patient as possible. 

We are praying that next week we get to send you all the message that we have been waiting to share with you for over 5 years! 
Prayer Requests:
1. Please continue to pray that our baby has implanted in the right spot and that it would grow! Pray for patience and a good appointment next week!

2. Praise: Things are going well so far! Please pray that they continue to go smoothly and result in a healthy baby in nine months!

3. Please pray that our hope would continually be in God and that we would trust Him no matter the outcome. 
We love you guys!  Thank you as always for your generous love and care.

Doad and Jess
