IVF Update #10: All the Emotions...

Hello friends and family,

Thank you for faithfully praying for us even during the lack of updates the past week or so.

While not much has changed in our fertility status, it has been quite a roller coaster of emotions lately.

We were quite happy to hear that we ended up with a total of 6 embryos to freeze for future cycles.  Though we wish all of our embryos could have made it, six is a really great number for the average cycle and Jess is relieved that she will not have to go through this process 13 more times.

We are in a bit of a waiting period right now.  Jess is on estrogen to prepare her body for transfer and we will find out at our next appointment if she is ready to start injections again.

Once the injections are started, we will then receive our official transfer date.  Then we will get to wait some more and pray as hard as we can that the embryo implants and results in a healthy pregnancy.
Prayer Requests:
The past couple of weeks have been full:

1. It turns out that our insurance will only cover fresh transfers of embryos, not frozen ones.  Since Jess's fresh transfer had to be medically delayed, our only option is to pay out-of-pocket for the frozen transfer.  Please pray that we would trust God in the midst of great frustration with our insurance company and doctors office who failed to notify us of this important detail.

2. Please pray that we would continue to trust God to provide for us.  We know he has provided for us this far and will not abandon us - please pray that we remember that truth.

3. Praise! We celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary on the 12th.  We are very grateful to have had this day to celebrate and remember God's gifts to us in the midst of our struggles. He has blessed us greatly.

4.  Jess's grandmother passed away this past weekend.  Please pray for God to be present and very near as the family grieves and plans the funeral.
We love you guys!
Doad and Jess
