IVF Update #9: Embryos On Ice

Hello friends and family,

We are thankful to share that 5 embryos made it to "full maturity" on Wednesday.  As of today (Thursday) one more had made it giving us a total of 6 frozen embryos right now.  Four more are still maturing and we have lost 3 so far.

The doctors have also told us that the frozen embryos are "grade A/B" which means they "look great" to them.  What that means exactly, we are not sure but we will take it!  Our future babies are already overachieving... they get that from Jess.

The next step now will be to wait for Day 1 of Jess' cycle to begin the hormones in order to begin the process of transferring one of our precious ones back inside Jess.
Prayer Requests:
1. That we would trust that the "still-growing" embryos are in God's hands.

2. Continued patience and peace.

3. Praise! Jess has been able to avoid any signs of overstimulation and seems to be in the clear!
Love you guys!
Doad and Jess
